
2022-01-07 02:55 体育PPT模板 投稿:大气PPT
最佳答案 这也是一份用中英双语版介绍足球的ppt,无论你是必须一份介绍足球的英语ppt或是要一份篮球英语ppt模板,我感觉这一份由100页构成的足球中英文介绍ppt都能满足你的必须,不相信你也就看来一下吧!下边是该ppt的內容摘选及浏览图,假如你必须查看该ppt所有内容得话,只需轻轻地点一下文中相对应的下..




意大利人说:“小孩子踢上篮球可以变成成年人,大人踢上篮球可以变成绅士风度”。German said: "The kids play on the football can become adults, adults play on the football can be a gentleman."


unity is strength.that is an old CHINESE saying,but now it is a well-spread phrese among our whole world!

bacon once said unity is the key to sucess,and it does.。

Football itself is fun, and team spirit is the soul of football.A game without a team of hard work and good players it is difficult to rival.German football has always been known as a team, the Dutch Code of Practice for the entire attack, the Argentine master of the steel.Team spirit is the true essence of football.In fact, for a team, the most dangerous thing was internal discord and internal unity, will be able to conquering, internal discord, and your spirit is bound to damage the enemy without fighting the soldiers.Team members need both good charge forward, also need excellent leadership strategist.Enhance the standard rules


Ancient football comes from China Cuju古时候的篮球来源于我国

Cuju football originated in China in ancient。 China is the home of football, football is the birthplace of Shandong Zibo Linzi







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